So this is my second blog and I'm hoping that I can get it right to actually keep this one going!
I'm in my first year of university at Rhodes university and although I have a ridiculously minimal amount of free time as it is, I wanted somewhere to dump my thoughts. Hence, the creation of this blog.
After having a full night of sleep, which has been reduced from 9 to 7 hours of sleep in the past month or so, I was so on the ball today which was an amazing change from my usual drowsy daze. This place has taught me many things; how to procrastinate, how to walk up a hill really fast and how to fit all of your shit from a 6x6 room into a 3x4 cell.
But the weirdest thing I've learned so far is that there is this magical phase of being tired.
There is no returning from this phase so don't even bother trying.
Your eyes start going squint and get super itchy and then they start closing. You can try and hold them open and listen to your lecturer ramble on about cognitive development and ancient dynasties, but you will then experience another phenomenon; falling asleep with your eyes open!! Yes, it has happened to me and i am not talking crap, i promise you this. You are forced to put your head down on the desk when this happens, even for 10 minutes of the lecture (which usually ends up being the whole lecture) and doze a bit. That stupid journalism assignment you stayed up 'til 3am trying to perfect has really smacked you in the face.
Red Bull will fail.
Energade will fail.
Coffee? Bha!! Will fail DISMALLY!!
Folks, i introduce you to the regmaker!
Bless Adcock Ingram's wooly socks for making this stuff!! 150 mg of caffeine in one tablet?! R20 for 10 tablets. Not bad I say. Specially when I feel like a monkey high on coke when I've ingested just one of these magical pills. My friend said that he took two after a full all-nighter and was shaking like a mad cow in the space of 5 minutes. Not be messed with then, but it's wonderful to know I have these babies there for me when good ol' coffee lets me down..again!
Well, I do have a history essay due for tomorrow that I'm only halfway through so I had better go and do that. Halleluja for having a lone tutorial to go to at 3pm on Fridays! Sleeping in tomorrow 8) so0o0o co0l 8P
Just keep swimming...upstream!!
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