I hate living in a country that will forever be obsessed with race. No matter where you go, people will say that they aren't racists but everything they do relates back to the racial ideologies that have been conditioned into us simply because we live in South Africa, even if we grew up in the post-democratic version of it.
We had a house meeting tonight with the Vice Chancellor of Rhodes because of our naming issue. I'm assuming you want the short story to this saga. So, in 2009 this residence was opened as New Residence 2 and the students have the privelege of suggesting a name for the res to the Naming Committee. The name the students back then came up with was Jean Sinclair (click on her name if you know nothing about her). She was basically against any form of oppression against a certain group of people ("non-whites" and women) during apartheid (click on that word if you live under a rock and don't know what that means). So, she rocked. But the naming committee rejected our name because they want more diversity in the names of buildings. Which is all good and well. So we had the VC telling us all this tonight. But we are still without a name.
Rhodes was one of those universities that only accepted white students during apartheid and is known for that. This is not the case anymore though and that reputation of "the white university" is slowly starting to fade. So most of the buildings names are named after white people who did good in the country and helped develop our country and lead us out of apartheid. But this is a "problem" because there aren't any black hero buildings. Except Chris Hani house and Nelson Mandela hall. No Indian or Coloured people who did good. No black people.
And I understand that we need more diversity in the naming of our buildings but it bugs me so much when you realise how much race actually matters to people. Race is not meant to exist. Your culture exists and that is what is meant to matter to you. It's like the crap that happened during apartheid is being cast on this generation to fix and I know that what happened back then was ridiculous and that it should never have been tolerated AT ALL. I am glad that I was not around during apartheid because I would've hated my counrty so so so much and would have tried to assassinate people or some such thing. It was a sick place to be. The thought that someone could believe that just because you had more pigments and maybe believed different things than you that they could be regarded as the scum of the earth.
I want to cry every time I think about it and I'm ashamed to be associated with the group of people who implemented this system. It is disgusting.
I hope I am alive to see the generation that is not concious of "race" and that a hero is a hero and the race of that hero doen't have to be considered. Black or white, Indian, coloured, Chinese or Spanish. Male or female.
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