anyone who says that sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain

-author unknown

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Sunshine and slang..

My room never sees the sun. I have a lovely view of a brick wall and the sun never sees my window. As much of a winter person as I am, rooms that are gloomy ALL the time make me gloomy too. I miss being able to lay on my bed in the warm rays of the sun. I'd give anything to switch to the opposite side of res. Would be amazing.

I'm not having a very happy day by the way, in case you haven't noticed. I decided to have a little snooze before lunch (I was bunking my journalism lecture - they are soooo boring!!). So about 30 minutes before I actually have to wake up, i had a repeat performance of yesterday. Someone decides to SCREAM, not just call loudly, but literally shout for her friend down my corridor. And when she doesn't get an answer, what do you think she does?? Yes, she does it again, and louder. The hairs on the back of my neck were sparking, I swear!! Sure, it's not quiet time, but flip, screaming is not inducive to happy people!! Hellloooooooo.. So anyway, that wasn't cool. Instant bad mood. I'm about to go and check my Psychology marks for my first test so that should be interesting. Very nervous!! First university test results.

I'm sick again. There was a bug trapped between my curtain and the window last night when i went to bed. So, I left my window open so that it could free itself anytime it felt like it. Pity it was cold outside and I breathed in cold air all night. Hate having the sniffles!! Had them for like 3 weeks and they finally went away and then that prehistoric insect looking bug thing went and messed things up. Joy.

Ok, what I do when i blog is I sometimes start a post and then have to run so i save it and come back to it later. Which is what I've done today, having to go to a history lecture and all. My mood has improved!! Very happy to announce this. An sms from my boyfriend and an 80% for my first test made me smile!! And of course my earphones plugged into my ears. Those helped. Serious fluctuation of emotions and moods today!! Think I have settled on this one though. Oh, and I solved the problem of no sunshine: I found my old necklace with a sun pendant. Wearing it = constant sunshine =)

So, the Grahamstown slang, as promised.

You have to be careful of your word choice here because there are a few words that mean more than what we are used to. Observe:

  • Naps: not considered as the exercise i performed before lunch. Naps at Rhodes refer to something more uh, devious??..sinister??..i really don't want to say sexual although that's what it is. Ah!! Journalistic skill, come on. It's sexual. It means that you are going to some body's res to have a little booty call. We have afternoon naps, morning naps and then just plain anytime naps. I suppose it's a nice euphemism for "the nasty" isn't it??
  • Lunge:Ah, to lunge. Not to jump quickly or move in a decisive manner, noooo. Nothing like that, although almost the same. Same same, just different ;). Ok, so, people say "I pulled in to kiss her/him/it!" We say "I lunged him/her/it!" Not necessarily a bad word, but you don't wanna be lunged by that tall creepy guy who tried to get with EVERYONE and succeeded with NO ONE at Friars on Saturday night. The guy you've been eyeing for weeks lunging you is, however, a very good thing!
  • Mare: To drink. To party. To get sloshed. To kuier, pola, puza, celebrate. You understand. This happens on Cougar Mondays(will discuss this in a minute), Tipsy/2 for 1 Tuesdays, Wacky Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Ample opportunity to mare. Also,
  • get mared: to get drunk.
    (good god we don't sound like we are a university with very high moral values in its students, do we??)
  • Seal Clubbing: the act of hunting first years in order to have naps or lunge them. Mostly a male sport. We will get to the females now.
  • Cougar Monday: House of Pirates (a local watering hole) has Cougar Mondays. Its the ladies night. And we (not me) take advantage of this. We are allowed to pick on those yummy school boys or (for the non-first year girls) those naive first years.
  • BP run: missioning down to BP (petrol station/cafe) to stock up on neccessary items. Usually food.
  • Mission: to go somewhere. To depart from something towards another thing. "Let's mission down the hill to Steers."
Right now though I have to mission to supper as my tummy is not happy with its current empty situation. I know I'll think of more slang as soon as i hit "Post" so expect another tutorial!!

Ciao =)

Sunday, 27 March 2011


Hangovers suck.

I had an amazing night last night except for the fact that my FAVOURITE shoe in creation broke. Very very very bleak about that, but hey, they served me well while they still could. They're just soooo beautiful :'( ok ok suck it up!! I'll live..

Went to a res party last night and the free punch (funch) was absolutely disgusting. It tasted like cold Med-Lemon. They tried to warn us with a sign on the bucket that said, "Warning!! This is quantity over quality!!" We were warned, but do you think that stopped us?? Heck no! The result? Me sleeping til lunch waking up at regular intervals to gag and then eating only half my lunch even though I was starving. Coming back to res, Skyping for 20 minutes telling my boyfriend how absolutely shit i felt and how the only thing that would fix me would probably be a day long cuddle with him! Then i slept 'til 4.. xD!! I love being lazy! Feeling human again, but I will not be going out tonight due to a severe lack of funding.

So, about this boyfriend of mine.. He is probably the most amazing person to ever walk into my life..for once this doesn't sound like an exaggeration. His name is Jarrod (I would say his surname as I often catch myself doodling it next to my name, but I don't know how many of you will take a slight fancy to stalking him..hmmmmmm). We met at a party at the end of last year and from the moment he walked in, we could only stare at each other. Sitting on opposite sides of the table gazing at each other through the smoke, not knowing each other's names yet and not caring, just staring.
Now, you know that little butterfly thrill feeling you get in your tummy when someone you like/want/find attractive stares at you? Well, my butterflies were high on crack and I think they were drunk too. They might have been doing a rain dance along with that as well, but that's debatable. They were going bonkers and I'd never felt like that before.
Eventually the guys decided to go to the shop and I tagged along with my friend. Then he introduced himself to me. And gave me 3 rand. I didn't have enough money on me! >slightly embarrassed<

Him and me at the First Year picnic in the botanical gardens
Long story short? We taled the whole night and didn't stop chatting for anything. He didn't make the first move, but I'm heck glad that I did. He walked me home that night and I remember thinking how easy it felt. I had never been that forward in my life before but I wasn't about to let this amazing guy walk out without me. We took our time and only started dating at the end of January and I can honestly say that I haven't been happier. Nobody has ever (and will never) treat me the way he does. And I know he's going to read this so I love you sweety! I only have to wait 11 more days to see his handsome face. The days can't move fast enough. He lives an hour away from here and 2 hours away from my hometown, Somerset East, so I do see him often compared to what some of my friends are going through, but I still miss him like a res student misses non-rubberised meat and mince that doesn't make your tummy hate you. Ie.: ALOT!! (Did I mention how much i miss my mom's cooking??)

This all sounds so clichéd, but that's fine with me. If my happiness is a cliché, then so be it. He shall be my cliché and I shall be his and we shall be happily clichéd.
Just look at that face!!
Ok, so anyway. Now that I'm grinning like an idiot behind my computer screen, I've just realised that this is my last weekend in Grahamstown this term. It's weird how comfortable I've become. I thought I'd never get used to it. As great as it will be to go home and have all those comforts I don't have here, I will be happy to return. Like I said before, there is no place like this one. Hmm, just thinking that this perspective might have changed a bit after the holidays. Think I'm REALLY going to enjoy my holidays, the tiny 10 days that I do have.

I've so far resisted using too much Grahamstown slang/lingo, but its sooo difficult so I think I'm going to do a little tutorial on the G-town language in my next post.

Thought for the day: Do you love me because I'm beautiful or am I beautiful because you love me?

Think hard..

Friday, 25 March 2011

Sweet, chocolate freedom!!


Didn't think that history would suck this much. I loved it at school, but university is a completely different kettle of smelly fish! Definitely going to drop that subject the end of this semester or the next one.. What do I take in its place though?? Another thing to think about!! My brain is fried i tell you.
So much is different here though. Not a bad thing, but just a thing.
My high school which, unfortunately for me, is situated in a very Afrikaans town where you will suffer death-by-dirty-looks if you ever had to roam around barefoot, a fat peace sign painted onto your shirt, with your culturally diverse group of friends and a Black Label/cigarette in your hand. That ish is not done there. But I've done it and I don't care what the tannies and ooms thought. This is one of the reasons why I love Rhodes so much. Whoever you are is who you are free to be here.

During O-week, we had the race issue shoved down our throats and it struck me how we all say that we aren't racists or judgemental but I caught myself several times thinking or acting like the person I don't want to be. My friend Steph moved to America when she was very young and came back here to study. The area she lived in had none of this nonsense we go through and think of as normal. We were having a house discussion about it during O-week and she burst into tears and at that point I realised how behind our thought patterns are. Rhodes is slowly reversing my thought patterns and I can see it reversing other people's thought patterns too.

There's one problem with Rhodes though and that is that my best friend in this entire world is not here with me. She needs to be here. Nadine and I met in grade 9 and have been inseperable since, despite living half an hour away from each other. She now studies in PE and I miss her something vicious!
We've been through everything together and could probably write each others life stories. She's the ying to my yang and no guy could ever take her place (not even the amazing boyfriend that i have, will get to him later)!! She is my soul mate this one. The drunk times, the random times, the sad times, the crazy times, the hanging times, the chilled times and the totally frikken insane times. We have them all and we have them documented!!

passing out...
 One day we are going to be sitting on her stoep or my stoep when we are old and wrinkly and toatlly spent and talk about the AMAZING lives we've lead together because her and I belive something very strongly; that life is here for us to make the most of and flip we are going to do just that!!

why oh why is the vino always gone!!

...drunk on her 18th

Think I'm going to phone her later. Feeling rather heartsore now.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Starting out...again

So this is my second blog and I'm hoping that I can get it right to actually keep this one going!
I'm in my first year of university at Rhodes university and although I have a ridiculously minimal amount of free time as it is, I wanted somewhere to dump my thoughts. Hence, the creation of this blog.
After having a full night of sleep, which has been reduced from 9 to 7 hours of sleep in the past month or so, I was so on the ball today which was an amazing change from my usual drowsy daze. This place has taught me many things; how to procrastinate, how to walk up a hill really fast and how to fit all of your shit from a 6x6 room into a 3x4 cell.

But the weirdest thing I've learned so far is that there is this magical phase of being tired.
There is no returning from this phase so don't even bother trying.
Your eyes start going squint and get super itchy and then they start closing. You can try and hold them open and listen to your lecturer ramble on about cognitive development and ancient dynasties, but you will then experience another phenomenon; falling asleep with your eyes open!! Yes, it has happened to me and i am not talking crap, i promise you this. You are forced to put your head down on the desk when this happens, even for 10 minutes of the lecture (which usually ends up being the whole lecture) and doze a bit. That stupid journalism assignment you stayed up 'til 3am trying to perfect has really smacked you in the face.
Red Bull will fail.
Energade will fail.
Coffee? Bha!! Will fail DISMALLY!!
Folks, i introduce you to the regmaker!
Bless Adcock Ingram's wooly socks for making this stuff!! 150 mg of caffeine in one tablet?! R20 for 10 tablets. Not bad I say. Specially when I feel like a monkey high on coke when I've ingested just one of these magical pills. My friend said that he took two after a full all-nighter and was shaking like a mad cow in the space of 5 minutes. Not be messed with then, but it's wonderful to know I have these babies there for me when good ol' coffee lets me down..again!

Well, I do have a history essay due for tomorrow that I'm only halfway through so I had better go and do that. Halleluja for having a lone tutorial to go to at 3pm on Fridays! Sleeping in tomorrow 8) so0o0o co0l  8P

Just keep swimming...upstream!!