anyone who says that sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain

-author unknown

Monday, 25 July 2011

Long time, no see!

So exams went by, and then holidays started and then those went by and now I'm back at university for term 3. Sheesh this year is moving way too fast!
Much like my previous lengthy break from blogging, I thought a million times "Oooh I should put that on my blog!", but, as before, I can remember none of it. Fail.
Recent thoughts though:

I have come to the stage of my life (or it might be just a phase) in which all I want to do is, (well only after travelling) find myself a nice job in a nice place and move into a really nice house or start building one with the man I marry and be able to count on having someone at home when I get there and then tell him how my day was and you know, just lead the simple life. It sounds so boring, but for me, that sounds like heaven because I know who it will be with and he alone embodies paradise for me. Anyway, I was telling someone this the other day and she basically told me that I was a disgrace to women and Feminism and for a second there I felt like I was, just a little bit. But then I realised that that's not what it's about. Feminism is about the power of choice. It isn't about women getting out of the home and destroying a stereotype, it's about giving women the choice to do that. If they want to stay at home and bring up children or if they want to go out and be powerful businesswomen or public figures should be their choice. It's all about being able to choose and the more people I told this, the weirder the looks I received became. Now I'm really just a bit baffled because I'm pretty frikken certain that forcing women out of the home does not amount to freedom. Hopefully it's just the noobs that I spoke to that have this view on Feminism and women.

AMAZING song that I rediscovered this vac though is It's All Your Fault by Pink. I love this chick. And if you merely read the words, it won't be good enough. Download the song or something.

I conjure up the thought of being gone
But I'd probably even do that wrong
I try to think about which way
Would I be able to and would I be afraid

Cause oh I'm bleeding out inside
Oh I don't even mind (Yeah)

It's all your fault
You called me beautiful
You turned me out
And now I can't turn back
I hold my breath
Because you were perfect
But I'm running out of air
And it's not fair

Da da dada da dada da
Da dadadadadada da dadadadadada

I'm trying to figure out what else to say
To make you turn around and come back this way
I feel like we could be really awesome together
So make up your mind cause it's now or never (oh)

It's all your fault
You called me beautiful
You turned me out
And now I can't turn back
I hold my breath
Because you were perfect
But I'm running out of air
And it's not fair

I would never pull the trigger
But I've cried wolf a thousand times
I wish you could
Feel as bad as I do
I have lost my mind

It's all your fault
You called me beautiful
You turned me out
And now I can't turn back
I hold my breath
Because you were perfect
But I'm running out of air
And it's not fair

(Oh yeah
It's all your fault)

I hold my breath
Because you were perfect
But I'm running out of air
And it's not fair

Such an awesome song, beat, words and all.

So I do this thing, that if there's something on my mind, I write about it. Sometimes a poem comes out and sometimes random thoughts and stories come out. But then there are the things that I'm scared to write about in case I jinx it. And eventually I work up the guts to just do it. And falling in love is one of these times. And so I wrote about it after about 6 six months of being with the greatest guy to ever grace me with his presence.

Roll over,
Reach out my hand.
Touch your imaginary face.
You're there.
I see you.
I feel nothing.
Forever near me,
Forever beside me.
You are the one
Who I feel is
With me all the time,
All the places.
Never there,
But ever near.
My world,
Your world,
No dividing line,
No marked conclusion
To either or.
You are I
and I am you.
                                              -by me

Giving you the power to destroy me
Is what I was destined to do.
Your mystery eludes me,
Angry me, lover me, you and me.
Becoming myself with you,
What else could I be expected to do?
Your heart, my heart:
Darling, you must learn to share.
Taking is sharing,
Sharing is taking,
So take and share.
Trust - I know what you could do to me,
But you don't.
Trust, deceit?
My world on a silver platter
While sparks fly high above
Your head, my head,
On a silver platter.
Why don't you break it?
Why don't you destroy me?
                        -by me

Valleys, mountains
Canyons, hills, cliffs.
An adventure of
Wonder, celebration.
No dry, baron flatland
Can compete.
You mark my landscape
On your intrepid adventures;
discovering, uncovering and worshipping.
Adorning every new discovery
With you love, your heart, your eyes.
My landscape thrives for you
My mountains remain ever fast, evergreen
While you love remains everlasting.
Explore me, intrepid adventurer,
until familiarity becomes familiar.
                              -by me

So damn good to be so in love with such an amazing person.

Marise (a girl on my corridor) made my day today. I love the song Little Lion Man from Mumford and Sons and she had it as her status on Facebook, so I comment and say "Play it LOUD, I wanna hear it too!" About ten minutes later, I hear this little speaker right outside my half open door playing Little Lion Man. That pretty much made my day :).

Getting back here yesterday, I traversed around the res to say hello to everyone and later on that night Tiff came back and of course the dear sweet girl hadn't taken her calm down pills and she was hyper as ever!! But she gave me the prettiest earrings ever!! And Belgium chocolate in the shape of a cellphone. After I had devoured like 2 kgs of chocolate at Jarrod's sister's wedding. So my body is not very happy with me, especially after coming back to this shitty food we get.. Cotch face.

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