anyone who says that sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain

-author unknown

Sunday, 18 September 2011

back and.....FIRE!!!

So vac ended today (if you want to call what was really a glorified long weekend a vac).

Sad face.

But I had a really great time at home and also with the male counterpart in PE last weekend. Wow, feels weird to type again.

So I have this irrational fear of res burning down during vac and all my possessions (the ones I didn't take home with me) along with it. And today that almost became a reality.

As we were driving into town we saw a LOT of smoke coming from the mountain (also, glorified mound)behind our res.
Then we drive up the street and see that oh, hello, the fire is on the side of the mountain facing our res and Joe Slovo (our neighbours).
Lots of wind, lots of smoke, lots of flames.
The res filled up with smoke and then the fire alarm went off and people who were far too excited started yelling, "It's not a fire drill!! GET OUT!!!"
And we're like, really, do you think we don't know that seeing as how I can't see your face because of the smoke in this building. Seriously.

So eventually (after an hour and the fire brigade FINALLY making an appearance) they manage to get the fire out/under control and we are allowed back into res. Only now the entire place stinks like charred meat and dead, burnt grass and that black stuff is everywhere.
Welcome back guys. Here's a fire for you.

And now I have another song for you: Caroline - David Gray.
I seem to have this weird relationship with Mr Gray in that I go through a period where he is all I listen to and then I forget he even exists for months at a time. And then it starts all over again.
I can't find a legit music video for it but this one that I found is pretty cool. Got the little music bar things i Like to chase with my pen sometimes.

It's so cool how the combo of the electro-ness and the acoustic guitar work together.
Love it or hate it, you have to respect it.
And this term will prove miraculous if I make it out with my sanity. The amount of work I have - cringe.
Don't be expecting to hear too much from my side. :/ :(

Peace kids. :)

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